AS I AM Retreat 2025 February 21-23

3 Day Retreat for Men in St. George, Utah

Masculinity Done the Savior's Way



Course Pricing

Early Bird Registration

$570 USD

  • This ticket is available through November 30, 2024

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Register with a friend

$600 USD

  • Save $50.00 off the standard price when purchasing with a friend. To purchase this ticket you must register with a friend.

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Regular Registration

$650 USD

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Topics Covered
at the Retreat


Above all, this retreat is about identity. We invite you to go beneath labels, titles, roles, accomplishments, and shame, and ask,  

“Who am I?"  
“Who am I really?”  

After learning tools, identifying and clearing away obstacles and forming answers to that question, you are encouraged to look at your relationships. You will learn to relate intimately, and clearly with others by asking,  

“Who are you?”  

Finally, we challenge you to envision your identity in the community, by asking,
“Who am I as part of God’s creation?” 


Many men live in isolation and are unaware of their inability or unwillingness to share their life experience with other men.

 As I Am gives you the opportunity to experience safety, intimacy, vulnerability, and trust with brothers. It also provides tools to do the same in daily life, with the objective to create brotherhood in your life, whether in quorums, families, or communities.

Healthy Relationships

Whether interacting with one’s wife, father, sister, child, or grocer, much of the discord men experience in relationships is a result of not recognizing the origins of their perceptions. We teach you to look beyond the person or event, and ask of your reaction,  

“How is this about me?”  

By understanding why you respond in a specific way, you can be both authentic and compassionate in your interactions with others and create healthier relationships through clear communication. 

Emotional Literacy

The ability to feel is a gift from God and forms part of His plan of creation. Feelings and emotions enable us to receive inspiration from Him and be guided through our mortal experience.  
Awareness of our feelings, and healthy expression of those feelings moves us to greater wholeness. However, some feelings – like shame, depression, or anxiety – keep us stuck.  

We strive to create a safe environment where you can practice moving through your feelings, learning from them, and thus create an on-going state
of emotional health. 


A little-known term with the same roots as “generation” and “to generate” (i.e. create), generativity is about creation.  

We were created in the image of God, and therefore have an innate urge to create, like Him.  

Be it through creating and developing posterity, through programs, community, or church involvement, or through relationships and personal healing work, you are given the opportunity to envision what you will generate in the present and for future generations. Our purpose is to enable you to step more fully into your generativity. 

Christ-Like Masculinity

Who is the perfect male role model? Is he “macho” like Rambo, or “passive” like Ghandi? Or is he somewhere in between? Our belief is that we need look no further than Jesus Christ to find a man who embodies whole masculinity. His masculinity was both powerful and vulnerable, compassionate and authoritative.

  We do not pretend to have all the answers defining Christ-like MasculinityTM, because we believe it is a concept that each man must discover and create on his own. During the retreat and beyond we search with other men to define our individual and collective masculinity, as modeled by the Master, even Jesus Christ. 

Curious About
The Retreat?

Hear what participants have to say about the retreat

Sheri L. Dew:    

"There is a direct relationship between how we feel about Jesus Christ and how we see ourselves.  

We cannot increase our devotion to the Savior without also obtaining a greater sense of purpose, identity, and conviction."

“As I Am” is a healing retreat, presented by Discover Identity™ and its men’s organization Men of Good Will™. It is designed for all men who desire to grow and become the best men they can be. This multi-faith retreat is consistent with the teachings and example of Jesus Christ, while promoting identity, fraternity, and a purposeful life vision. At the same time “As I Am” is not a religious retreat promoting any particular ideology.

This retreat was created and is presented by a group of men (The Men of Good Will) with many years of experience facilitating experiential retreats and groups, as well as coaching individual men in growth and healing. It is open to any man age 18 and older seeking to discover and create a stronger sense of self by facing his obstacles, to be the man he and God envision.

As I Am, is different from other healing programs that often begin by asking “What’s wrong with you?” Instead, at As I Am we begin with “What’s right about you and what is your vision of the future?" From that starting point we explore the obstacles that get in the way of achieving your vision and ways of growing beyond your obstacles; frequently referencing the example and teachings of Jesus Christ as an important part of any solution.

This retreat is more than an instructional conference, it is an experiential program, with facilitated activities designed to help you safely and actively explore your conscious and unconscious blocks, gaining awareness of your beliefs, emotions, and behaviors along the way. You will be provided with tools to make the retreat experience a reality in your daily life, including greater authenticity, and freedom from behaviors and beliefs that previously held you back from achieving your goals.



This retreat changed me. What happened on the retreat was even more than I could have hoped for...    

I made more progress in those couple of days than I had in 9 years.    

I feel reborn, rejuvenated, and recommitted to my desire to love and follow and serve God and Christ.


This was a life changing and spiritual experience for me...  

 It was a memorable experience, a retreat that is unique, uplifting and rewarding.    

I gained a new understanding of masculinity by following Christ's teachings and I encourage all to look and step into a new way of healing. Your reward will be greater than your investment.

Discover Identity

Travis Levings

Brad Dirks | Discover Identity