James E. Faust:

   "Each woman brings her own separate, unique strengths to the family and the Church. Being a daughter of God means that if you seek it, you can find your true identity."

 In society, women are often described in terms of labels or roles such as wife, mother, nurse, teacher, taxi driver, therapist, cheerleader, cook, entrepreneur, or politician and yet actual identities of individual women are frequently lost.    One common way a woman loses herself is by putting all her energy into relationships.  As a wife, mother, friend, or neighbor, she loses touch with her goals, passions, and life purpose as she seeks for approval and focuses all her energy on others.    As women, some of us have been told to “be nice”, or “don’t rock the boat.” If we are too obedient to this advice, we risk losing our authenticity in the process. We can find ourselves living in fear: fear of offending, fear of losing those around us, fear of hurting someone. We can live in worry: about whether we will be enough, whether we or our loved ones are safe, whether we are going to say or do the right thing, or how we look.    

Discover Identity offers programs for women which use a variety of different methods to provide a safe place to discover who we are and to create who we want to be, thus establishing our own unique and powerful identity.    

Our goal is to inspire each woman to be secure in who she is, to be independent and self-assured, to help her not only fulfill her dreams and passions, but be able to build relationships around her from a position of strength as she is creative, energized, aligned, and engaged.

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